Bella P. Magnaye, Julie M. Joyo, Aileen D. Magsino,
Kathleen S. Mendoza
College of Nursing, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City,
Date Received: August 12, 2018; Date Revised: October 3, 2018
Work Performance of Nursing Graduates from one Academic Institution in the Philippines 817 KB 3 downloads
Bella P. Magnaye, Julie M. Joyo, Aileen D. Magsino, Kathleen S. Mendoza College of...
This study aims to determine the work performance of nursing graduates of 2012 in terms of client centered care, leadership and management, and research engagement; determine the factors that affect the level of work performance and propose programs to enhance the work performance of the nursing graduates. Descriptive method was used in this study. The study shows that the nursing graduates perform acceptable work performance by rendering rapport to clients; however, their physical assessment was the least performance in client care. Similarly, they are able to have a harmonious relationship with co- workers, but cannot show leadership skills in the absence of the superior. In line with research, they are able to apply knowledge from nursing and other discipline concerning concurrent health situations to improve patient care but were not able to construct research studies. The most factors that affects their competence is their commitment to work nevertheless, personal conflict got the least.
Keywords: nursing leadership and management, research engagement