Emiliana C. Ylagan
Stonyhurst Southville International School and
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: January 7, 2018; Date Revised: April 11, 2018
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Implementation, Organizational Performance and Corporate Image of Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) Schools 821 KB 3 downloads
Emiliana C. Ylagan Stonyhurst Southville International School and Lyceum of the Philippines...
Quality Education becomes a major focus of all educational institution especially the SGEN schools. This is the reason why they ensure that their International Accreditation is well implemented, maintained, and monitored to make their students enjoy quality international education. This research determines the impact of the WASC implementation to the Organizational Performance and Corporate Image of Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) schools. Descriptive-survey type of research in assessing the implementation of WASC criteria among SGEN international schools was used with the end in view of framing an organizational framework on performance and corporate image. All the WASC Standards are highly implemented in SGEN schools such as Organization for student learning, Curriculum, instruction and assessment, Support for student personal and academic growth, and resource management and development. The respondents strongly agreed on the great impact of WASC implementation on the organizational performance of SGEN schools primarily in terms of teacher performance and customer satisfaction; and secondarily on student achievement and school improvement. There is also a great impact of WASC implementation on the corporate image of SGEN schools in terms of pedagogical approaches and quality education. Strong positive relationship between teacher performance and the Organization for Student Learning and Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment has been recorded while the study also reveals a strong positive relationship between curriculum, instruction and assessment and the customer satisfaction. There is a high significant positive relationship between WASC implementation and the Corporate Image in terms of pedagogical approaches and quality education. The group of parents has significantly lower views on the WASC implementation and its impact to organizational performance and corporate image of the SGEN schools compared to Academic Heads and Teachers. An integrated framework has been proposed for sustainable WASC implementation. This framework may be utilized as a basis for designing educational programs and activities towards the attainment of the institutional mission, vision, goals, and objectives.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Student Achievement, Teacher Performance, School Improvement, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image, Pedagogical Approaches, Quality Education