Carlo M. Punongbayan, Sheena P. Abu, MarrielDanise P. Arago, Michelle G. Caponpon, Alyssa Marie C.
Geron, Maela P. Leyesa, Jennie Margaret Apritado, Abigail Manzano
Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management Graduates, College of International Tourism
and Hospitality Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines
Date Received: July 15, 2014; Date Published: September 15, 2014
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
Waste Management Practices of an Educational Institution 424 KB 3 downloads
Carlo M. Punongbayan, Sheena P. Abu, MarrielDanise P. Arago, Michelle G. Caponpon,...
The study aimed to assess the waste management practices of LPU-B. Specifically, it determined the level of effectiveness of Waste Management Practices of LPU-B in terms of: collection strategies, disposal and recovery and processing of waste materials; determined the problems encountered on waste disposal practices tested the significant difference on Waste Management Practices in LPU-B and finally, proposed an action plan that will improve the Waste Management Practices of LPU-B. This research utilized descriptive method of research. The descriptive research is also known as statistical research that describes data and characteristic about what practices, level of effectiveness and recovery and processing. The respondents of the study were the staff and heads of different offices/department. One hundred and one (101) respondents were chosen randomly and purposively. The researchers used a questionnaire as the main gathering instrument. The researchers concluded that waste management practices of LPU-Bwas effective in terms of collection, disposable, recovery and processing as perceived by the respondents. Problems occurred specifically that disposal areas of waste materials were not strategically located. Moreover, means of recovering and reusing such waste were not strictly implemented.
Keywords – Waste Management LPU-B collection, disposal and processing and recovery.