Susan S. Janer, Ritzelda A. Deri, Felisa D. Marbella
Sorsogon State College School of Graduate Studies, Sorsogon City,
Date Received: September 25, 2016; Date Revised: November 7, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.4, 113-120
November 2016 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Utilization and Acceptability of Learning Guides in Field Study 1 and Field Study 2 721 KB 5 downloads
Susan S. Janer, Ritzelda A. Deri, Felisa D. Marbella Sorsogon State College School...
This descriptive study aimed to determine the utilization and acceptability of the two learning guides designed for Field Study 1 and Field Study 2. The 112 teachers and students were surveyed and interviewed to gather the pertinent data. The acceptability of the learning guides were determined based on four elements – target competency, learning plan, reflections, and technical aspect of the material. Though all the elements were rated very much acceptable, the technical aspect gained the highest mean. The two groups of respondents also showed no significant difference on their perceptions on the level of acceptability of the two learning guides in terms of the four elements. Various utilization issues were likewise identified by the teachers and the students. The unedited learning guides are the root cause of the utilization issues raised by the respondents. Hence, content and grammar editing are deemed important to ensure the validity of the materials. Further, this study also recommends that the teachers should continuously strive to develop instructional materials that will help enhance the knowledge and skills of the students to assist them concretize highly abstract ideas especially pertaining to classroom situations.
Keywords: Field Study, Teacher Education, Learning Guide