Tesha Hestyana Sari, Gimmy P. Siswadi2, Aat Sriati
Nursing Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Date Received: November 14, 2017; Date Revised: February 5, 2018
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary
Vol. 6 No.2, 45-52
May 2018
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Use of Social Media with Self-Concept and Social Adjustment of Adolescents at SMPN 2 Singingi Hilir Riau 449 KB 3 downloads
Tesha Hestyana Sari, Gimmy P. Siswadi2, Aat Sriati Nursing Faculty, Padjadjaran University,...
The use of wide variety of social media is in demand by adolescent in both urban and rural today. Social media makes adolescents easy to express feeling and post various activities. The uses of social media by adolescents in the rural have a difference with adolescents in urban areas. The use of social media can influence self-concept and social adjustment of adolescent in their environment. This research aims to know relationship between social media user and self-concept at SMPN 2 Singingi Hilir Riau. This research is a descriptive correlation research with cross sectional design. There are 252 respondents as samples. Collecting data of this research are using questioners from Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS), Sriati Academic Self-concept (SASC), and Social Adjustment. In analyzing data the research uses Rank Spearman correlation test to observe relationship between two variables and canonical trials in order to determine the most dominant factor related to social media usage. The result of this research shows that majority of adolescent who use social media at SMPN 2 is low; most of them have positive self-concept and a quite good in social adjustment. The result of the correlation analysis shows that variables of social media usage have weak relationship between self-concept variable (rs = 0,224) and social adjustment variable (rs = 0,254). Based on result of canonic analysis, self-concept is a dominant factor in case in social media relation.
Keywords – Self-concept, social media, social adjustment