Elroy Joseph C. Valdez
Batangas State University, Philippines
Date Received: October 7, 2018; Date Revised: July 22, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.3, 110-120
August 2019
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
Trends and Issues of Hotel Industry: Impact to the Influx of Tourists in Batangas, Philippines 905 KB 2 downloads
Elroy Joseph C. Valdez Batangas State University, Philippines elroyjosephvaldez0913@gmail.com Date...
The purpose of the study is to identify trends and issues of selected hotels and its impact to the influx of tourist in Batangas, Philippines. More specifically, it answers the following objectives: to describe the profile of the hotel in terms of years in operation, number of employees and average number of tourists per year; to identify the trends and issues being faced by managers and hotel staffs of selected hotels in terms of marketing, human resources, logistics/ operations and consumer affairs; to determine if there is a significant difference on the perceived trends and issues on selected hotels when grouped according to hotel profile variables; finally, the study attempts to determine the significant predictor of the influx of tourists. The researcher used descriptive method which focuses at present condition in the purpose to find new truth. This was used by the researcher to determine the trends and issues of hotel industry andits impact to the influx of tourist. The researcher was able to identify that issue on human resource significantly predicts the influx of tourists. The trends and issues are significantly influenced by the number of years and average number of tourists per year. Based from the results it was found out that trends in logistics/ operations and issues on logistics/ operations and consumer affairs/ safety and security has an impact to the influx of tourists in Batangas province.
Keywords: human resources, logistics/ operations, consumer affairs