Nipitpon Nanthawong, Thongchai Phuwanatwichit,
CharinMangkhang3, Atchara Sarobol4
Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Faculty of
Humanities, Chiang Mai University, Thailand , , ,
Date Received: May 21, 2020; Date Revised: July 29, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.3, 8-17
August 2020 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
The Narrative of Male Homosexual: Identity of Self Reliance in LGBT Elderly in Chiang Mai 638 KB 4 downloads
Nipitpon Nanthawong, Thongchai Phuwanatwichit, CharinMangkhang3, Atchara Sarobol4 Faculty...
This research has an objective to study on the identity of self-reliance in LGBT elderly in the format of male homosexual from childhood to old age as well as problems and obstacles in the life of male homosexual in Chiang Mai, which there are some informants. The data was collected from one selected elderly male homosexual. This research is a qualitative research conducted by using autobiographical method through life-experience storytelling. The research result shows that the development of self-reliant of male homosexual elderly consists of 3 factors, which are influence from family, social environmental factors supporting relationship building, and relationship factors of informants with others. From the three factors, it can be seen that they are an important part in forming self-reliant identity in male homosexual elderly in forming of identity in male homosexual or other sexual orientations. Some have to face with ambiguity, confusion, and uncertainty. There might be only a few people who can continue forming identity smoothly. This is due to the behavior or the forming of identity is considered by society to be homosexual and abnormal. However, awareness of gender diversity is increasing nowadays, which leads to more acceptance of different sexual orientations in the society and helps informants to adapt and rely on themselves in forming their identity until today. The problems that informants are facing include health problems due to aging and employment in elderly age.
Keywords –elderly, LGBT, Gay, self-reliance, Identity, Chiang Mai