Martha Christianti1, Bambang Suprayitno2, Nur Cholimah3
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
marthachristianti1, b-suprayitno2, nurcholimah3
Date Received: August 2, 2018; Date Revised: July 28, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.3, 121-128
August 2019
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
The Learning Design of Entrepreneurship Learning Model for Early Age Children 816 KB 1 downloads
Martha Christianti1, Bambang Suprayitno2, Nur Cholimah3 Yogyakarta State University,...
This article aims to describe the detail information are about how teacher choose theme that correct with entrepreneurial value for kids, how teacher develop entrepreneurial spirit study in them plan, and how that practice can be done in classroom. Based on theory, entrepreneurship character can develop with learning environment that children support to rill life and with specific theme. For that, this model is a combination of contextual and thematic learning models. Participants in this research are 2 early childhood teachers and 15 children. The research method that we used in the study is observation, interview and documentation. Based on the research, children entrepreneurship value can develop by seven contains for these models some components namely constructive learning, inquiry, questioning, learning communities, modelling, reflection, and authentic assessments. The entrepreneurship learning is divided into two phases: planning and implementation. In the planning stage, the teacher sets the aspects to be integrated, maps the basic competencies, selects and assigns themes or topics to be united, develops a theme mapping, prepares a syllabus consisting of weekly and daily lesson plans, and implements the lesson plans. The implementation stage consists of opening, main activity, and closing. The main activity is divided into five phases: exploration, investigation, representation, display, and closing. The entrepreneurship learning employed authentic assessment such as observations with anecdotal record, checklist, and rating scale.
Keywords: entrepreneurship learning model, early age children, learning design.