Rita Eka Izzaty, Nur Cholimah, Budi Astuti
Psychology Department, Early Childhood Education Department,
Guidance and Counseling Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
rita_ekaizzaty@uny.ac.id, nurcholimah@uny.ac.id,
Date Received: October 24, 2016; Date Revised: November 3, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.4, 36-45
November 2016 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
The Implementation of an Integrative Model of Adventure-Based Counseling and Adlerian Play Therapy Value-Based Taught by Parent 868 KB 4 downloads
Rita Eka Izzaty, Nur Cholimah, Budi Astuti Psychology Department, Early Childhood...
This study was conducted for two reasons. First, pre-school age is the foundation for the subsequent development. Second, the previous research findings show that there are behavioral problems which affect the development of subsequent development. This study aims to increase children’s social ability by employing An Integrative Model of Adventure-Based Counseling and Adlerian Play Therapy, a counseling model emphasizing the importance of play providing opportunity for children to express their feelings in natural situation and insight toward personality and environment by modifying teaching cultural values by parents to children. This study employed an action study. The prior data collection techniques were conducting literary study, surveying on cultural values taught, and selecting a counseling model. The subjects were four preschool children (4-6 years old) with behavioral problems. The study was conducted in 2 cycles with several steps: planning, action, evaluation, and reflection. The finding of this research shows that an Integrative Model of Adventure-Based Counseling and Adlerian Play Therapy can increase children social ability and decrease non adaptive behavior. The reflection of employing counseling model modified with cultural values taught by parents to children is when using this model, counselors truly examine the duration of the implementation, the children’s condition, the counselors’ condition, the type of play, and the purpose of each steps which must be detailed.
Keywords: integrative model counseling, cultural values, preschool children