Jamaal Omamalin,Jeffrey Gapol, Kristine Carol Lagala,
Abaigail Lawas, Vernale Rangaysiso, and
Reynaldo B. Inocian6
1-5Social Science State Scholars, College of Teacher Education, Cebu
Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000
Full Professor IV, Social Sciences Department, College of Arts and
Sciences, Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000
jmamalin@gmail.com, geoffreygapol@gmail.com,
kristinelagala@gmail.com, ybbajuanicz@gmail.com,
Date Received: March 30, 2016; Date Revised: April 30, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.3, 1-9
August 2016
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
The Hermeneutics of the Gozos for Señor Santo Niño de Cebu 1,003 KB 3 downloads
Jamaal Omamalin,Jeffrey Gapol, Kristine Carol Lagala, Abaigail Lawas, Vernale Rangaysiso,...
This study unveiled the historical roots and interpretations of the Gozos for Señor Santo Niñode Cebu. It sought to answer these objectives: identify the history and lyrical interpretation of the Batobalani, interpret the Batobalani in the perspective of the church and the devotees, and feature the symbolism of the waving of the hands during the singing of the Batobalani in the perspective of the church and the devotees. This study used the hermeneutics design of the verses of the Gozos of the Santo Niňo. TheGozos was interpreted using content analysis with historical sociological perspectives. This analysis isdeepened with devotees’ narratives. The devotees were selected through a convenience sampling, especially those who attended the nine days novena masses. The Batobalani, as manifested in its verses, told the storyof Christianity and Christianization of the Cebuanos by the Spanish missionaries–from the discovery ofimage in 1565 to the integralization of the worship and praise of the Holy Child in the lives of the Cebuano devotees. Further, as interpreted by the Church, the Batobalani signifies the surrendering of the people toGod, the admittance of weakness, an invocation of mercy and protection from God. As interpreted by thedevotees, the Batobalani signifies praise, offering, gratitude and request, and a manifestation of God’spassion and compassion toward His people. Further, the raising and waving of the hands, according to the Church, signifies the need for God, the expression of joy, the reaching out for God. According to the devotees, the raising and waving of the hands signifies joy, thanksgiving, and a gesture of request.
Keywords: Gozos, Batobalani, Santo Niño, Sinulog, interpretation, hermeneutics