Kaelin Albade, Hadeel Altharwa, T. F. McLaughlin, Jennifer Neyman, Lisa Rinaldi
kalbade@zagmail.gonzaga.edu, haltharwa@zagmail.gonzaga.edu,
mclaughlin@gonzaga.edu neyman@gonzaga.edu, LisaR@spokaneschools.org
Department of Special Education, Gonzaga University and Spokane Public Schools
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013
The Differential and Delayed Effects of Model-Lead-Test and Tracing Procedure with Fading Procedure to Teach Drawing of Shapes for Two Preschool Students with Developmental Delays 706 KB 4 downloads
Kaelin Albade, Hadeel Altharwa, T. F. McLaughlin, Jennifer Neyman, Lisa Rinaldi kalbade@zagmail.gonzaga.edu,...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a model, lead, and test (MLT) error correction in conjunction with tracing and a fading procedures for teaching shape drawing to two students with developmental delays. Both of our participants were enrolled in a special education preschool classroom. A multiple baseline across shapes and participants was employed to evaluate of the effectiveness of our two intervention procedures. The results for the participants indicated that the use of MLT with the tracing and fading procedure was effective in producing the skill of drawing shapes. Data collection was very practical and easy to implement in a preschool classroom setting.
Keywords: model, lead, and test, fading, shapes, drawing, preschool students, single case design