School of Foreign Studies, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 1 | February 2014
The Application of Task- oriented Teaching Approach to Enhancing Communicative Competence of EFL 322 KB 4 downloads
LI MINGXIN School of Foreign Studies, Henan Polytechnic University,...
To communicate is the primary goal of most foreign language learning (EFL). As an important component of the four macro skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), reading should also serve this purpose. However, traditional methodology still dominates extensive reading teaching in most of the universities. To promote a communicative extensive reading class, we may start by designing various tasks and activities. This paper introduces a task-oriented approach in English extensive reading class. According to Nunan, task-oriented teaching involves learners in the classroom to comprehend, manipulate, produce or interact in the target language, but the focus is on the meaning rather than the form. In light of psycholinguistic model and schema theory model, the methodology covers information-gap activity, opinion-gap activity and reasoning-gap activity which can be run in the class. The task-approaches make the interaction between teacher and students, students and students more active and meaningful. Skills of reading to solve communicative problems are always treated consciously. This approach may hopefully result in some improvement on the teaching of English reading.
Keywords: Task-oriented approach, communicative competence, TEFL