Lawrence A. Ingco, Julius L. Aguzar, Ian R. Atienza,
Aaron John M. EreÑo, Christian Joseph V. Ilao,
Marc Dave B. Perez and Jennie Margaret M. Apritado
College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: July 19, 2019; Date Revised: January 13, 2020
TESDA National Certification of Hotel and Restaurant Administration Graduates to Job Placement in Hospitality Industry 801 KB 10 downloads
Lawrence A. Ingco, Julius L. Aguzar, Ian R. Atienza, Aaron John M. EreÑo, Christian...
This research study primarily assessed the contribution of national certification to job placement in hospitality industry for 2014-2015, 2015-2016 among Hotel and Restaurant Administration (HRA) graduates. The study used online questionnaire and surveys on the graduates. Based on the result, most of the respondents showed that national certification contributes in their job placement by having additional job responsibilities, additional credential or future promotion on the desired position. Graduate-respondents working abroad have more benefits for having TESDA National Certificates. However, it is recommended that the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management may focus on the students’ core competencies.
Keywords:TESDA National Certification, Hotel and Restaurant Administration Graduates, Hospitality Industry.