Merlita C. Medallon, Grace O. Martinez,
Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 1 | February 2014
Teaching Effectiveness and Student’s Learning Acquisition in Selected Major Courses in the International Tourism and Hospitality Management Program 533 KB 2 downloads
Merlita C. Medallon, Grace O. Martinez, Lyceum...
Assessment in the classroom is done to determine the effectiveness of the lesson delivery and the extent of learning acquired by the students. The study identified the determinants of teaching effectiveness and learning acquisition of students enrolled in selected major courses in the International Hospitality Management Program. Utilizing a descriptive-evaluative design, data were collected from 210 students enrolled in courses of the International Tourism and Hospitality Management Program. Findings show that the level of interest of the students is a great consideration in increasing their level of learning acquisition. The significant determinants of teaching effectiveness are number of absences and the level of interest of the students. The significant determinant of learning acquisition is the level of interest of the students.
Keywords: teaching effectiveness, learning acquisition, tourism and hospitality management, determinants, students, teacher