Jerald Moneva, Tricia Mae Logarta
Teacher, Student, Senior High School Department, Jagobiao National
High School, Cebu, Philippines
freezingfire1979@gmail.coml1, tricialogarta7@gmail.com2
Date Received: December 19, 2019; Date Revised: May 7, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, 35-41
ISSN 2545-904X (Print)
ISSN 2704-4157 (Online)
Students’ Vision and Parental Motivation 615 KB 4 downloads
Jerald Moneva, Tricia Mae Logarta Teacher, Student, Senior High School Department,...
Parental motivation has always been an essential component of every student to their school academics. It has been constantly important in the progression of the students in their school. The study is titled “Students Vision and Parental Motivation” this is in Quantitative design as it aims to know the level of parental motivation to the students and the correlation between students’ vision towards their studies. The respondents of this study were all Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in the Senior High School Department with the total respondents of 239 in Jacobian National High School. The methodology used was survey with 10 indicators in each variable in total of 20 indicators. The collected data had beenanalyzed by the use of chi – square as it determines the relationship in each variables student’ vision andparental motivation. The result of the study showed that students’ vision had a Significant Correlation between parental motivation. In addition, the researchers found out that there are parents who are giving motivation to their child but they are not showing their motivation extrinsically. In relation to that, students who have a high level of interest are most commonly succeeded in the future. Moreover, parental motivation plays a crucial role to student’s achievement for it gain students interest to do well in school. With that, the parent-child relation will improve because they are able to help their children’s success.
Keywords – Jean Piaget’s Concept of Adaptation, Parental Involvement, Parental Motivation,Students; Vision.