Engr. Bacay, Teresa E., Atienza, Jasper G., 2M Umali, John
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 6 No. 1, 1-7
June 2020
P-ISSM: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Students' Course Feedback Survey on Marine Engineering Professional Courses AY 2018-2019 254 KB 5 downloads
Engr. Bacay, Teresa E., Atienza, Jasper G., 2M Umali, John Lyceum of the Philippines...
This study provided an in-depth understanding of the institution’s need for improvement andcurriculum development as it aimed to determine the feedback of students of Marine Engineering ofAssessment Year 2018-2019 in terms of the relevance of professional courses taken; course organizationand Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs), teachers and TLA’s, assessment methods, the learningenvironment and counseling involved while taking the professional courses. A total of 119 BS MarineEngineering were the main respondents. The study reveals that the factors of counseling and learning environment were strongly agreed by the respondents that further needs to be improved. The study also revealed that a learning environment was needed to give importance and recommendations. The Marine Engineering program was mainly composed of courses that provide technical and practical skills, and the school environment significantly affects their learning. Practical Contribution were implying as the researcher were able proposed set of recommendation for improvement.
Keywords – Marine Engineering, learning environment and professional courses.