Maria Cristina M. Ramos, MSCS
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 7 No. 2, pp 27-36
May 2022
ISSN 2545-904X
Student Outcomes Assessment: An Evaluation Tool to Gauge Level of Competencies of Computer Science Students 1,127 KB 2 downloads
Maria Cristina M. Ramos, MSCS Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas ...
An effective assessment method is needed for measuring the extent that student outcomes meetacademic accreditation body criteria. This measurement is performed by mapping course learningobjectives with program educational objectives passing through student outcomes. The College ofComputer Studies (CCS) of one selected university in the province of Batangas conducts “StudentOutcomes Assessment” periodically as indicated in its Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)“Curriculum Map”. The “Curriculum Map” contains the Student Outcomes, Performance Indicators, andthe list of Professional Courses under the BSCS Program. Markings as to Introduce(I), Reinforce(R) andEmphasize (E) are also indicated. An “Assessment Matrix” is then created to show Student Outcomes (SO)and the corresponding Performance indicators (PI) mapped out to Strategies, Assessment Method, Sourceof Assessment, Time of Data Collection, Assessment Coordinators, and the Evaluator of Results. This paperpresented and described the BS Computer Science Curriculum Map of SY 2015-2016; identified ifperformance target was met for each Performance Indicator resulting to student outcomes assessment; andrecommended courses of action based on the assessment results. The study utilized the quantitativedescriptive research design. The respondents of the study are the 24 or 100% population of the BSCSgraduates of batch 2019 of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas. Batch 2019 was identified asthe respondents since they were the graduates under the BSCS Curriculum effective School Year 2015-2016. Results of the study revealed that the BS Computer Science program curricula and the teaching strategies employed by its professors to deliver learning is aligned with the expected student outcomes of the program. BS Computer Science students at the time of graduation possess the knowledge, skills, and behavior parallel to the program’s expected student outcomes. Recommendations can be used for continuous enhancement of the BSCS curricula.
Keywords – Competency assessment, curriculum map, performance indicators, student outcomes, studentoutcomes assessment