3/E Homoroc, Eric1 Dr. Reynalda B. Garcia2 and
C/E. Pancho A. Garcia.
Graduate School, Master in Maritime Education and Training
College of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Lyceum International Maritime Academy
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 6 No. 1, 18-27
June 2020
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Strategic Plan for the Enhancement of the Effectiveness and Implementation of conducting a practical assessment of the Maritime School 484 KB 7 downloads
3/E Homoroc, Eric1 Dr. Reynalda B. Garcia2 and C/E. Pancho A. Garcia. Graduate School,...
The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Practical Assessment, the Implementation of the Maritime School conducting the practical assessment, the effectiveness of the instrument of the Maritime Industry Administration. Moreover, findings showed that in the three (3) Maritime schools, the student practical assessment was “implemented” in terms of all elements and that the instruments used in the assessment of Maritime students are effective; there is a significant relationship as to the Maritime Schools ‘implementation of the practical assessment and effectiveness of the Instrument used. Based from the results; a strategies plan to enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of practical assessment as per STCWrequirement. was proposed.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Maritime Education, Practical Assessment, STCW