Nova E. Arquillano, Potenciano D. Conte, Jr.,
Sally A. Jarin, Edna C. Queriones
Pangasinan State University-Lingayen
Date Received:November 2, 2015; Date Revised: December 13, 2015
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 3 No.5, 19-24
December 2015 Part IV
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Status of and Problems on Open Admission Policy of Pangasinan State University, Philippines 706 KB 3 downloads
Nova E. Arquillano, Potenciano D. Conte, Jr., Sally A. Jarin, Edna C. Queriones Pangasinan...
An open admission policy was implemented in the campuses of Lingayen, Bayambang and Urdaneta City of Pangasinan State University, Philippines in school year 2008-2009. The purpose of the policy is to maximize the university resources and serve more poor students. Through this, student- applicants can choose from non-quota courses offered in different campuses of Pangasinan State University. For almost seven years of implementation, the study found out that the administrators considered inability to teach by teachers, campus security and food center highly serious. They rated problem on number of computer units as moderately serious. The inability to manage class, food center and number of chairs and computers were rated moderately serious by faculty members and students. Difficulty in learning was highly serious by the faculty members and moderately serious by the students. This open admission policy implemented in Pangasinan State University resulted to the rise number of enrollees year after year since its implementation in school year 2008-2009. The school personnel encountered challenges because of this. Administrators experienced higher degree of seriousness of problems related to open admission policy compared to the groups of faculty members and students. This study recommended that administrators should conduct seminar-workshop for teacher’s relation to classroom management and teaching approaches. They should also prioritize the monitoring of security and safety of students. Also, they should meet the faculty members on a semester basis in order to get their experiences, feedbacks and suggestions. With regards to university administrators and planners, they consider construction of more classrooms and comfort rooms, and procurement of chairs and computer units to accommodate the growing number of students.
Keywords:open admission policy, enrolment, facilities