Freya Wyan Silva-dela Cruz (CPA, MBA),
Estrella C. Calimpusan (CPA, DM)
Faculty, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Old
Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines; Faculty, Father Saturnino
Urios University, Butuan City, Philippines
Date Received: November 15, 2017; Date Revised: February 7, 2018
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary
Vol. 6 No.2, 61-74
May 2018
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Status and Challenges of the Deaf in One City in the Philippines Towards the Development of Support Systems and Socio-Economic Opportunities 494 KB 4 downloads
Freya Wyan Silva-dela Cruz (CPA, MBA), Estrella C. Calimpusan (CPA, DM) Faculty,...
The case study described the status and challenges faced by the Deaf in Butuan City, Philippines. The study utilized the qualitative technique wherein the data were analyzed using the Van Kaam Method. The status was described according to Atkin’s three roles of education and previous experience, network and support systems, and Deaf identity and communication access. The challenges faced by the Deaf were categorized into employability and entrepreneurship. Findings revealed that the educational support system for the Deaf was still weak with the lack of tertiary programs accommodating them. The network and support systems of the Deaf, with particular emphasis on the Deaf’s family and the community, was also weak regarding communication and cooperation. There is less awareness as to the Deaf culture and capability. They are still perceived as people with disability and not with capability. The study also revealed that employability level of the Deaf graduates is low. Access to entrepreneurship is very limited, and one major factor is the lack of capitalization. Based on the findings of the study, initiatives are proposed to strengthen the support systems of the Deaf and widen their access to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Keywords – Deaf, Employability, Entrepreneurship, Support Systems, Socio-Economic Opportunities