Emily J. Berja (EdD)
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Philippines
Date Received: November 25, 2020; Date Revised: March 7, 2021
Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Perspectives
Vol. 8 No.1, 72-78
May 2021
ISSN: 2782-9332
Standardized Assessment Model in Physical Education 1 543 KB 5 downloads
Emily J. Berja (EdD) Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Philippines ejberja@astean.biscast.edu.ph Date...
Student evaluation is one of the fourmain elements of physical education. Evaluationcollects evidence of student success and drawsinferences regarding student progress based on thatevidence. The research suggested a mix of content-based and performance-based evaluation frameworksfor physical education based on five learningoutcomes. The proposed assessment model consists of50 content-based items and six performance-basedtopics spread across learning domains. Based on thedifficulty index, there are 15 simple questions in theproposed content-based performance evaluationmodels for physical education. Twelve of these itemsare easy; seven are average in difficulty, ten arecomplicated, and six are very difficult. The studyutilized a mixed method of research design with 108research participants: 3 experts in Physical Education,5 PE teachers, and 100 students undertaking PE 1 inBicol State College of Applied Sciences andTechnology. In evaluating the proposed assessmentmodels, the researcher utilized the five-point Likertscale, Cronbach’s alpha, and discriminationindex. Questions were evaluated through an index ofdiscrimination test and were found to be good itemsand acceptable models in terms of distinguishing theexaminees that are knowledgeable or not. Based on theresults, the proposed content-based and performance-based assessment model is a valid and reliable tool todetermine the level of competencies in physicaleducation among the college students in Bicol StateCollege of Applied Sciences and Technology. Theproposed and revised content and performance-basedassessment models in physical education be presentedto physical education teachers, coordinators and berecommended for its implementation.
Keywords: Assessment, Physical Education,content-based assessment, performance-basedassessment, college studen