Zhang Xianfang, Dr. Annalie D. Patena
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
zhangxianfang.lisa@qq.com, adpatena@lpubatangas.edu.ph
Asia Pacific Journal Educational Perspective
Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 71-80
May 2022
ISSN: 2782-9332
Sports Motivation, Attitude and Success of Chinese University Students 613 KB 3 downloads
Zhang Xianfang, Dr. Annalie D. Patena Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines...
This study focused on the sports motivation, attitude, and success of Chinese college students and put forward Sports Development Program. Results show that student respondents are mostly females and in public University in China; they are joining various sports as table tennis, volleyball, and basketball; they are young age who value the health benefits in any sports- related activities provided by the University. The sport motivation is more on intrinsic and is positively associated with keeping winning in proportion and negatively associated with acceptance of cheating and attitudes. As to sports attitude, respondents agreed on ethnic pluralism; prejudice/ethnocentrism and racism, consequences of sport participation and sexism, sport masculinity, and homophobia (3.56), and Olympic and national attitude. Sports motivation and sports attitude are significantly related, the more motivated on the above indicators, the more positive attitude towards sports. Further, the more demotivated to sports, the lesser success have towards sports and the more motivated the respondents are, the more success they will become in sports; the better the attitude towards sports, the more that they will be successful.
Keywords – Sports Motivation, Sport Attitude, Sport Success