Christian Anthony C. Agutaya (PhD)
Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology-Calapan City
Campus, Masipit, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Date Received: September 5, 2016; Date Revised: November 10, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.4, 70-77
November 2016 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Socio-Economic Development of the Members of Two Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines 747 KB 5 downloads
Christian Anthony C. Agutaya (PhD) Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology-Calapan...
The study determined the members’ socio-economic development of the two multi- purpose cooperatives in Calapan City namely Calapan Labor Service Development Cooperative (CALSEDECO) and Calapan Vendors Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CVMPC). The descriptive research design analysis was used by the researcher. The open-ended questionnaires were administered to purposively selected 30 members in each group of fiscal year 2016. Method of data analysis was thru qualitative analysis. The study found that the operations of CALSEDECO and CVMPC) were very satisfactory in terms of commitment, financial aspect, and business development program. The services rendered by CALSEDECO and CVMPC were extensive in terms of providential services, benefits from business operations, availability of credit facility and overall member satisfaction. The CALSEDECO and CVMPC contributed to the socio-economic development of their members in terms of social and economic development. The study lead to the favorable assessment of the direct socio-economic needs of the communities in terms of multi-purpose cooperative operation, services rendered and members’ socio- economic development and consider a timely and appropriate technology to advancing cooperative industry usefulness, economic sustainability, capacity building program for the entire city to construe with the various national programs of the government. The study recommended the policy innovation and creativity by delivering a viable program proposal to the LGU to create an impact for the betterment of these underdeveloped communities in the Philippines.
Keywords – multi-purpose cooperative operation, services rendered and members’ socio economic development.