Xie Yihuai & Dr. Annalie D. Pateña
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of
Management and
Sustainable Development
September 2024 Part 1
P-ISSN 2782-9332
E-ISSN 3028-2632
Abstract – In the past years, there was an evident fluctuation in the number of students enrolling locally as well as globally with interests in arts programs. In quest for strategies in services enhancement, this study believes in the students who are the key factors for the success of their own career. In lieu, this study initiates the compilation of descriptions of three focal points in student learning. Among 400 design major students of various universities in China, the following variables: essential social support, self-regulated learning domains, and academic achievement, were described specifically and respectively with regards to sex, school type and year level. Findings resulted to majority of female respondents, coming from public schools and most of them are sophomores. Consequently, the respondents’ social support highlights the factor “sensible” where most of the students are dependent on family and friends in accomplishments of their learning tasks. Mostly of the respondents agree that their self-regulated learning is on “cognition”. Learning achievement was found to be based on an “affective” domain that acknowledges their and other people’s interests, values, rules, and attitudes. The Pearson product moment correlation was used to measure the strength and direction of association that exists between variables and the linear regression that summarized and studied the relationship between the variables. The researcher found no significant relationship between the variables and the profile. On the other hand, a highly significant relationship between the variables was revealed.
Keywords – Social support, self-regulated learning, learning achievement