Jerald Moneva, Elvira Jumag
Teacher, 2Student, Senior High School Department,
Jagobiao National High School, Cebu, Philippines,
Date Received: December 19, 2019; Date Revised: May 8, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, 49-56
ISSN 2545-904X (Print)
ISSN 2704-4157 (Online)
Satisfaction with Financial Support and Students’ Determination in Learning 405 KB 4 downloads
Jerald Moneva, Elvira Jumag Teacher, 2Student, Senior High School Department, Jagobiao...
The study intends to assess satisfaction with financial support and student`s determination in learning. Financial satisfaction refers to the state of being satisfied and free from worries. It is necessary to know the impact of financial support on the student`s life which may lead or affects determination. The research was a Quantitative descriptive correlational in which to examine between the two variables. The researcher used a checklist as a tool in conducting the survey and the respondents were all the Senior High School particularly the Grade 11 and 12. The results of the study revealed that most of the students often satisfied with their allowance with an average of 3.83. It means that students were not fully satisfied of the amount given by their parents. However, 4.55 average of weighted mean showed that students always attend classes. Therefore, the result of the study is to reject the null hypothesis and there is an association between satisfaction with financial support and student`s determination in learning.
Keywords –Financial Satisfaction, Student`s determination, Learning