Reynaldo B. Inocian
Full Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences,
Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines
Date Received: July 22, 2015; Date Revised: September 11, 2015
Quadrant Modelling in Teaching (QMT): Responding to RA 10533 Salient Provisions 471 KB 2 downloads
Reynaldo B. Inocian Full Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts...
This study aimed to provide a clear direction for successful implementation of the K to 12 in the Philippines using the Quadrant Model of Teaching (QMT). The following objectives were raised in order to answer the main problem: (1) identify the learning strategies in each of the QMTlevels; and (2) determine the mandated guidelines for its successful utilization based on the provisions of RA 10533.This exploratory study employed a qualitative analysis on the important provisions of RA 10533 in relation to UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Learning.The salient provisions were coded numerically for easy presentation. With grounded theory as framework for critical analysis, KPUP elements were based on Hermann’s Brain Quadrants and McCarthy’s 4MAT method. A documentation of instructional strategies was realigned according to the expected QMT levels. The salient provisions of RA 10533 ascended the Quadrant Model of Teaching for proper K to 12 program implementation in Philippine basic education. Anchored on the four pillars of learning in the 21st century and other humanistic learning theories, the QMT levels adopted the brain-based, differentiated, integrative and collaborative theories, which are globally and locally contextualized, within the OBCIA prospects for global recognition that ensures quality instruction.
Keywords: OBCIA, OBE, Dialectical Design, QMTModel of Teaching OBA