Renante A. Egcas (PhD), Mariane P. Lacuesta (PhD)
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Negros
Occidental, Philippines; Department of Education, Sagay City Division,
Date Received: March 11, 2018; Date Revised: August 10, 2018
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 6 No. 4, 11-17
November 2018
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
PRIME-HRM Implementation in Select Schools Divisions in One Province in the Philippines 678 KB 4 downloads
Renante A. Egcas (PhD), Mariane P. Lacuesta (PhD) Northern Negros State College of...
This study endeavored to determine the extent of practices and challenges and the opportunities in the implementation of the Civil Service Commission’s PRIME-HRM (Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management) of select school divisions of the Department of Education in Negros Occidental, Philippines. Specifically, this study sought to determine the extent of practices when taken as a whole and when taken per HR system, the extent of challenges when taken as a whole and when taken per HR system and the foreseen opportunities in the implementation of the PRIME-HRM along with the implementation of the Rationalization Plan. This is a Mixed-Method Research which involved the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. A survey questionnaire adapted from the PRIME-HRM assessment form by the Civil Service Commission was revised and used to collect necessary data. The results showed that the extent of practices was very high, and the extent of implementation challenges was moderate. There was no significant difference on the extent of practices in the implementation of the PRIME-HRM when assessed collectively by divisions in terms of the four HR systems such as Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Learning and Development, Performance Management System and Rewards and Recognition. Moreover, results showed that there was significant difference on the extent of challenges in the implementation of the said program when assessed by divisions in three HR systems. Recruitment, Selection and Placement was highly significant (p-value=.005), Learning and Development (p-value=.030) and Performance Management System (p-value=.037) were significant, while Rewards and Recognitions (p-value=.147) was not significant. On the other hand, there was no significant difference on the extent of challenges in Recruitment, Selection and Placement which result was attributed to uniform guidelines imposed by the government and the implementing agencies are mandated to follow. The research qualitatively elicited several opportunities in the implementation of PRIME-HRM.
Keywords –civil service, gender and development, PRIME-HRM, strategic human resource management