Judith S. Rabacal (PhD), Debster M. Bacomo (PhD),
Ma. Janet S. Geroso (PhD)
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Date Received: April 15, 2019; Date Revised: April 7, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.2, 57-69
May 2020
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
Phronetic Leadership of Public Elementary School Principals in one Division of Negros Occidental, Philippines 947 KB 3 downloads
Judith S. Rabacal (PhD), Debster M. Bacomo (PhD), Ma. Janet S. Geroso (PhD) Northern...
This research investigation focused on determining the phronetic leadership of the public elementary school principals of the Division of Cadiz City for School Year 2018-2019. Mixed method of research was used in this study where the combinations of both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. Validated researcher-made questionnaire and open-ended questions were utilized to gather the data. The respondents of the study were the 50 public elementary school principals, 7 district supervisors, and 269 teachers. Frequency, percentage, mean, z-test, and analysis of variance were the statistical tools used in the study. On the other hand, a thematic approach was used to gather data on the qualitative questionnaire. Results of the study showed that the phronetic leadership of the school principals as assessed by themselves, supervisors, and teachers is very high. Further, the identified ways and practices of the school leaders based on the responses in the qualitative questionnaire reflect most of the qualities of a phronetic leader. However, significant differences on the assessment of the principals, supervisors, and teachers were noted particularly on their abilities to communicate the essence and foster practical wisdom. It is recommended in the study that a phronetic leadership training program amongst school principals may be given to further improve their characteristics as phronetic leaders.
Keywords –Phronetic leadership, practical wisdom