Weenalei T. Fajardo, Cristina S. Doria,
Ruby Rosa Cruz2 (PhD)
Pangasinan State University-Lingayen Campus; Pangasinan State
University-Asingan Campus, Philippines
Date Received: October 1, 2015; Dare Revised: December 4, 2015
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 3 No.5, 80 – 90
December 2015 Part IV
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Personal and Tacit Knowledge Its Concept and Implication to the Study Biodiversity and Adaptive Features of Corticolous Lichens of Hundred Islands National Park, Northern Philippines 1,322 KB 3 downloads
Weenalei T. Fajardo, Cristina S. Doria, Ruby Rosa Cruz2 (PhD) Pangasinan State University-Lingayen...
Research has been perceived to be rested on pure objectivity, however in philosophy involving personal and tacit knowledge, the researcher is acknowledged to be the shaper of the study. Its implication was based on the study Biodiversity and Adaptive Features of Corticoluos Lichens of Hundred Islands National Park, Northern Philippines. It was shown in the meta-analysis the intricate relationship of philosophy and science that two fields could not be separated from each other. Tacit knowledge, intellectual passion and conviviality lead to the acceptable results of the researchers. Also, the survey of the corticolous lichens in the six Islands of the Hundred Islands show so much diversity that it encourages further study of the lichens in the other islands despite the risks of doing so. It also gives the challenge of determining the factors that cause species similarity to be very low between the islands. The lichens have the structures that enable them to withstand the stresses caused by excessive radiation and saline precipitation. All these features cooperatively interplay to provide protection against predators, maintain lichen thallus moisture content, and facilitate gas exchanges that enable metabolic processes to occur thereby allowing lichen growth, survival, and ultimately existence.
Keywords: tacit knowledge, personal knowledge, biodiversity, corticoulous lichens, Hundred Islands National Park,