Olugbenga Timothy Ajadi (Ph.D), Felicia Adekemi Alade-Yussuf
Department of Educational Management, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife; Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan
Date Received: January 14, 2016; Date Revised: April 6, 2016
Performance Indicators and Job Commitment of University Graduates during the National Youth Service Corps Programme in Oyo State, Nigeria 486 KB 4 downloads
Olugbenga Timothy Ajadi (Ph.D), Felicia Adekemi Alade-Yussuf Department of Educational...
This study examined the performance indicators and job commitment of university graduates during the one year mandatory National Youth Service (NYSC) programme in Oyo state, Nigeria. The study looked at job satisfaction, employer’s motivation influence on job commitment of NYSC members serving in Oyo state. The study adopted the descriptive ex-post facto research design. 330 respondents were randomly selected from five local governments within Ibadan metropolis to represent the sample population for the study. Three types of questionnaires were developed and validated to measure the performance indicators and job commitment of NYSC members. The study shows a significant relationship between job satisfaction and job commitment of NYSC members in Oyo state and it was recommended that employers of NYSC members during the one year mandatory service year need to create an atmosphere of job satisfaction for the NYSC members by providing organizational reward policies.
Keywords: Job Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Employers Motivation, National Youth Service Corps and University Graduate.