Mignodel M. Morales (DNM,RN), Edreck D. Estioko (DNM, RN)
Trinity University of Asia, Quezon City, Philippines
mignodelmorales@yahoo.com, phcnrc@gmail.com
Date Received: May 21, 2020; Date Revised: October 8, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 2, 8-17
ISSN 2545-904X (Print)
ISSN 2704-4157 (Online)
Perceptions of Nurse Managers on Patient Safety Culture and Safety Culture Maturity Level of Selected Internationally Accredited Hospitals in Metro Manila, Philippines 503 KB 3 downloads
Mignodel M. Morales (DNM,RN), Edreck D. Estioko (DNM, RN) Trinity University of Asia,...
Patient safety is a global issue which lead to patient harm and can be attributed to the culture of the organization. Thus, as a researcher and clinical staff I would like to determine the perception of nurse managers on the culture of patient safety in selected internationally-accredited hospitals in Metromania, Philippines. In addition, also explored the safety culture maturity levels of study participants. The goal is to propose a framework for sustainable safety practices in organization. Mixed method research design was utilized to 261 respondents that were conveniently selected. An open-access, validated standardized questionnaire for Patient Safety Culture was adopted from the Hospital Survey for Culture of Safety of Agency of Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) and from the Safety Culture Maturity Model ofFleming.Improvements in specific areas of patient safety practices are needed, particularly instaffing,communication openness and hand -off and transition which had an impact to the clinical outcome. Furthermore, the selected internationally-accredited hospital organizations vary in terms of their safety maturity level which they are in the managing level which characterized by reactive in dealing with an incident or event I the organization. The Morales’ Model for Sustained Safety Practices for Reliable Care had been the outcome of this research. This could be a guide for progressive hospital organization that is essential in enhancing patient safety and sustaining quality service. Hospital administrators are essential in building acculture of safety and resilience into workflows and patient care processes enabling healthcare organizations to progress toward high reliability. Communication across the organization is vital in sustaining a safe and quality environment a long side with proper human resource management which entails proper staffing ratio and trained staff. One of the vital foundations of matured organization is the established processes which based on evidence and gearing towards risk based approach. Aligning patient safety and safety culture maturity, when coupled with effective leadership, can provide along-term approach for quality care.
Keywords: patient safety culture; safety culture maturity; patient safety