David R. Perez (Ph.D), Leonita D. Dela Rosa (Ph.D)
Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa Campus, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Department Of Education, Division of Palawan, District of Aborlan, Philippines
Date Received: April 7, 2015; Date Revised: November 3, 2015
Palawan Indigenous Dances: Bases for Integration of Teaching Materials for K to 12 Curriculum 371 KB 2 downloads
David R. Perez (Ph.D), Leonita D. Dela Rosa (Ph.D) Western Philippines University,...
The study dealt with the ritual dances of the Tagbanuas in Palawan as bases for the development of teaching materials. Likewise, this query tried to document the ritual dances of the Tabanuas. Descriptive, descriptive comparative and ethnographic methods of research, the writer gathered data from fifty Tagbanuas whose ages were 60 and above and 150 young tagbanuas. Researcher made questionnaire and interview guide were used as data gathering instruments. This was supplemented by observation and participation techniques. The findings revealed that there were seven rituals that required dances. These were the pagluluma or pa’dong, tindeg, kabaraan or pagdidiwata, wedding rites like the Soriano, sungrod, compleano, taming and runsay. The ritual dances were associated to healing, thanksgiving and entertainment. They depicted the lives of the Tagbanuas. The ritual dances were used to these was to communicate to their dead relatives to help them cure the sick. Also this was used to communicate to their tiladmanen to bless and protect them. Some of the ritual dances were used for entertainment and the Tagbanuas closeness to nature. The Tagbanuas used local materials in their dances; movements were mostly hand gestures and footwork. These were performed with no specific time to end. The young generation of Tagbanuas were not so familiar with most of their ritual dances, they had favorable attitude towards their preservation. on this aspect, it is recommended that efforts should be undertaken by the Tagbanuas themselves to preserve Teaching materials that were developed should be reproduced to use by the teachers in the locality and perhaps by those whose interest focus on the culture, customs and traditions of the indigenous people particularly the Tagbanuas.
Keywords: Ritual, Ritual Dance, Tagbanuas, Teaching Materials