Reynaldo B. Inocian and Laliene T. Inocian
Full Professor IV,Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and
Sciences, Cebu Normal University,
Cebu City, Philippines
Teacher II, Talamban Elementary School, Cebu City Division, Cebu City,
Date Received: March 21, 2016; Date Revised: April 24, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.2, 65-75
May 2016
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Outcomes-based Teaching for Brain-based Learning Vis-à-vis Pedagogical Content Knowledge 660 KB 4 downloads
Reynaldo B. Inocian and Laliene T. Inocian Full Professor IV,Department of Social...
The study determined the essential elements of an Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning(OBTL) component of an Outcomes-based Education (OBE) cycle. It sought to answer these objectives:(1) extrapolate notable teaching attributes based on the actual teaching demonstration of the 7 subjects;(2) describe each of the OBTL’s quadrant elements (3) design a prototype for an integrated arts-basedOBTL.This study utilized a case analysis of the actual observation of recurring subtleties exhibited by theseven subject demonstrators during the In-service Training (INSET) held last October 27, 2015 in one of the city divisions in Cebu, Philippines. Each of them was rated based on the specific skills used according to Hermann’s Learning Quadrants, after a short lecture on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK).A documentation of a sample Lesson Plan (LP) for Quadrant Modelling for Teaching (QMT) was juxtaposed as a noble exemplar. The quest for outcomes-based teaching for brain-based learning vis-à-Vis pedagogical content knowledge or PCK cascaded with more brain-based inspired learning activities among teacher-demonstrators, with less emphasis on creativity, thus a teaching exemplar was created apart of its modelling. Though, an INSET in the public schools enhanced opportunities to exhibit teaching attributes such as: vivacity, sense of humor, creativity, inquisitiveness, concentration, cautiousness, and dynamism in the achievement of the 21st century skills, however these attributes remained uniquely apparent in every individual teacher. Dreaming to acquire many of these attributes among individual teachers propelled their authentic experience and sincerity to integrate appropriate OBTL activities, which emphasized its four spiral elements, by which the learners would:own knowledge in discovering experiences (sarili), master skills in critical evaluation (husay), engage understating and reflection in dialogical abstraction (saysay), and achieve wonderment in active experimentation (ambag).
Keywords: OBE, Outcomes-based Teaching for Brain-based Learning, QMT, IAT