Soriano, Cylka C., Comia, William Ivan C., Dalwampo, Mel
Angelo M.1, Levida, Christian Paul L., Najito, John Demiel I.,
Dr. Beverly Caiga
Lyceum of International Maritime Academy
College of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 7 No. 1, 50-62
June 2021
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Online Learning Motivation among Students of one Maritime Institution 406 KB 4 downloads
Soriano, Cylka C., Comia, William Ivan C., Dalwampo, Mel Angelo M.1, Levida, Christian...
Maritime education necessitates not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also thedevelopment of abilities that will be used onboard. Because of all the circumstances surroundingthem, the new form of education (E-learning) has an impact on their knowledge of professionalsubjects. Motivation, self-efficacy, control of learning beliefs, task value, social engagement, andinstructor support are some of these elements. The researchers utilized a descriptive surveyresearch among the 495 respondents from the Lyceum International Maritime Academy (LIMA).The collected data were interpreted using different statistical tools such as percentage, ranking, weighted mean and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results revealed that in terms of task value, intrinsic goal orientation, and self-efficacy, which are the primary characteristics that determine motivation to learn online, Maritime students have proved to be motivated. In terms of intrinsic goal orientation, control of learning beliefs, task value, and teacher support, students’ access tithe internet was considered to be significant in their motivation.
Keywords – Motivation, self-efficacy, task value, social engagement, and instructor support