Educational Policy Research and Development Center, Philippine Normal University
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 2 | May 2014
Non-traditional Design and Development of Culture and Language Sensitive –Curriculum Material Evaluation Tool 552 KB 2 downloads
MARIE PAZ E. MORALES Educational Policy Research and Development...
The study critically explored non- conventional processes on development and validation of an evaluation instrument entitled: “Culture and Language Sensitive-Curriculum Material Evaluation Tool.” This is an evaluation tool intended to assess and evaluate culture and language sensitive curriculum materials in physics and other sciences. The non- traditional processes highlighted the use of empirical data from pilot study to come up with the statements and constructs for the instrument congruent to instructional congruence framework. Averages of ratings of experts of the evaluation instrument were found to be within the highest range of the 5-point Likert scale (4.74 and 4.98). Aiken’s content validity coefficient ranged from 0.94 to 0.99. Inter-rater Kappa coefficient was 0.83 rated as excellent agreement of raters while inter-class coefficient was 0.71 (single) and 0.98 (average) rated as very strong (single) and almost perfect agreement (average) respectively. Reliability was established qualitatively and quantitatively. Over- all reliability measure was rated excellent using Cronbach’s alpha with a coefficient of 0.99. Each of the construct’s reliability coefficients was found to be 0.98 rated as excellent.
Keywords: Cultural sensitivity, Instructional congruence framework, Evaluation tool