Annalie D. Pateña, Arnulfo Orence, Leoncio Mandigma
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Lyceum International Maritime
Academy, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: February 23, 2016; Dare Revised: April 2, 2016
Modified Basic Safety Training with Typhoon Awareness as a Response to Disaster Preparedness 458 KB 3 downloads
Annalie D. Pateña, Arnulfo Orence, Leoncio Mandigma College of Education, Arts and...
The study aimed to assess the basic safety training of LIMA for boat owners and boat captains in selected municipalities in Batangas Province. This study used quantitative – qualitative modes of data collection. The study determined how effective the training particularly to the community. To further strengthen the data gathered in the study, a document analysis of the written document of the LMTC office was utilized. The participants of this study were the boat captains and owners from the different municipalities of Batangas Province. Results revealed that majority of the respondents were satisfied with the training and considered it very beneficial to their work and business. In this study, the researchers found out that LIMA- LMTC conducted safety training to prepare the captains and boat owners to natural disasters. The results also revealed that training was very important to support the reconstruction stage as well as to raise awareness about the needs to better prepare for future natural disasters like typhoon. The participants were also trained and educated on how to predict incoming disasters. The training helped the participants to determine the level of capabilities and vulnerability of certain place and people towards typhoon. The researchers recommend to strengthen the connection of the school to the community and to continuously provide training on basic safety. In addition, continuous training may be done for reinforcement to have sustainable training skills and be prepared to different disasters.
Keywords – Basic Safety Training, Disaster Preparedness, Natural Disaster, Typhoon Awareness