E. Acheampong, R. Opoku-Sarkodie
Methodist University College Ghana
Date Received: April 6, 2015; Date Revised; May 30, 2015
Modelling the Queue at the Scan Station of Tema Port An Application of Queuing Theory 638 KB 2 downloads
E. Acheampong, R. Opoku-Sarkodie Methodist University College Ghana ropokusarkodie@gmail.com Date...
The long hours spent in queues by imported consignment of goods waiting to be scanned causes congestion at the Tema Port. This study was conducted to find ways of reducing the time spent in queues by imported consignment of goods at the Tema Port. The main objective of this study was to minimize the time spent in queues by imported consignment of goods designated for the two scanners (Scanco and Nick-TC) for examination at the Tema Port. The study employed the technique of queuing theory for the analysis. We found that, the Scanco scanner had a faster service rate than the Nick-TC scanner when both were considered under the M/M/1 model where the two scanners served two independent queues. However, under the M/M/2 model where the two independent parallel scanners served one queue of designated consignments, the number of consignments (mean system size) in the queuing system reduced to 8.3984 per hour with an average waiting time of 0.5339 hours. Based on the findings, the following policy recommendations were made: The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, and the Government of Ghana must formulate policies to permit the two current existing scanners to serve only one single queue in order to ease the congestion caused by long hours of waiting in a queue.
Keywords: Congestion, Consignment, Queuing System, Queuing Theory, Scanner