Marvin S. Daguplo, Christine Alma Mae M. Daguplo
College of Teacher Education, Accounting Office,
Southern Leyte State University, Philippines,
Date Received: October 4, 2018; Date Revised: May 29, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.2, Part III 107-114
May 2019
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
Modeling Human Resource Competencies as Significant Predictors of Employee Satisfaction 1,065 KB 2 downloads
Marvin S. Daguplo, Christine Alma Mae M. Daguplo College of Teacher Education, Accounting...
Human Resource Competencies are knowledge, skills, and characteristics significant in defining employees’ satisfaction. Its demonstration in an organization provides an opportunity to design a platform intended to remedy deficiencies and thereby increasing satisfaction and adequate performance among employees. Anchored on the Human Resource Integrative Model, this descriptive-correlational study intends to measure the influence of the human resource competencies to employee satisfaction among government agencies. Using Data Mining Technique, data from the Agency HR Climate Survey was retrieved from the website of the Civil Service Commission at Descriptive analysis of data reveals that government employees assessed their human resource personnel competencies as intermediate and advance. At first, this level of HR personnel competencies would give us a favorable idea that HR competencies at the advance level would yield towards employee satisfaction. Ordinal regression analysis, however, shows that none of these variables are significant predictors of the latter. Despite this result, the odds ratio manifests that Learning and Development competencies and, Record Management and other competencies are more likely to affect employee satisfaction. This study concludes that valuing employees by constantly monitoring their records and status in the organization, as well as providing them with opportunities of learning or relearning new skills and competencies through training and development are HR competencies that promote and encourage practical, though not statistical, satisfaction among government employees in the Philippines.
Keywords – Data Mining, Descriptive-Correlational, Human Resource Model, Learning and Development, Ordinal Regression, Record Management