Godofredo E. Peteza, Jr.
Graduate School, Camarines Norte State College, Philippines
Date Received: September 28, 2016; Date Revised: January 4, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.1, 94-102
February 2017
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Master’s Degree Programs of Camarines Norte State College, Philippines: Impact on Its Graduates 897 KB 4 downloads
Godofredo E. Peteza, Jr. Graduate School, Camarines Norte State College, Philippines dodzpeteza@gmail.com Date...
This research determined the impact of the master’s degree programs offered in the Graduate School such as Master in Business Administration, Master in Public Administration, Master in Management majors in Human Resource Management and Educational Planning and Management on its graduates from 2009 to 2013. Descriptive-survey method supplemented by interview was employed to identify specifically the profile of the graduates of master’s degree programs in terms of age, sex, civil status, level of appointment before and after taking the master’s degree program, monthly income before and after taking the master’s degree program, number of promotions after graduation, and years in service and the impact of the CNSC Graduate School’s Master’s Degree Programs along professional practice, career development; and employment. Results show that majority of the respondents are in the middle age from 31 -37 years old, married, mostly females, 6-10 years in service and have one promotion after they have graduated from their respective master’s degrees. The level of appointment of the respondents has a positive movement from rank and file to supervisory and managerial levels positions. The Graduate School’s Master’s degree programs provided high impact on the graduates’ professional practice, and on employment while average impact on career development.
Keywords- Master’s Degree Programs, impact, graduates