Mercado, Ken James C. 1, De Rosas, Francis Angelo S. , Donatos, Tristan
C. , Menchero, Jake Vander P. , Mortel, James Aurell D., Caiga, Beverly
Lyceum of International Maritime Academy
College of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 7 No. 1, 63-71
June 2021
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Maritime Students’ Anxiety and Coping Strategies During COVID-19 Pandemic 401 KB 5 downloads
Mercado, Ken James C. 1, De Rosas, Francis Angelo S. , Donatos, Tristan C. , Menchero,...
This study aims to determine the anxiety and coping strategies practiced by maritime studentsduring the pandemic. Coming into the new normal, students must adjust to the new mode of learning, whichis online. The study used a descriptive comparative research design among the 300 maritime students. Thecollected data were analyzed using a variety of statistical instruments, including ratio, rating, weightedmean, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the statistical program PASW v 18. Based on the result ofthe study. Health, education, and financial expenses are factors affecting anxiety while following healthprotocols and doing relaxation activities are the coping strategies of maritime students during COVID-19pandemic. When respondents are classified according to profile variables, there is no discernible variationin their responses. With this, it was recommended to provide e-book for each course that focuses on themajor subject. The university may organize a Financial Literacy Program. Practical contribution wasimplied since a plan of action was proposed to lessen the anxiety experienced by maritime students duringCOVID-19 pandemic
Keywords – Anxiety, COVID 19, Health, Maritime, Safety, Students.