Angelo R. Ganaden (EdD)
Laboratory High School Department, College of Teacher Education,
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Main Campus, Iba,
Zambales, 2201, Philippines
Date Received: May 14, 2020; Date Revised: August 6, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.3, 112-122
August 2020 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
Managerial Competency of Laboratory High School Principals of State Universities and Colleges in Region III, Philippines 814 KB 2 downloads
Angelo R. Ganaden (EdD) Laboratory High School Department, College of Teacher Education, President...
This study aimed to analyze principals’ managerial competency. The respondents of the study comprised of 11 principals and 110 teachers in the Laboratory High Schools (LHSs) of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region III, Philippines. The study used the Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads, 2014 Edition formulated by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) to measure the competency of school managers/administrators on aspects such as (1) Strategic Thinking and Innovation, (2) Instructional Leadership, (3) Personal Excellence, (4) Stakeholder Engagement, and (5) Managerial Leadership. The results showed that the laboratory high school principals always exhibit competencies primarily on leadership in instruction, personal improvement and excellence and engagement with the community. However, the study found that there was a need for principals to improve in strategic thinking and innovation and managerial leadership competency aspects. The study found a no significant difference on the perceived attributes of managerial competency when the respondents are grouped according to sex. Moreover, the analysis of variance result established a difference on the perceived principals’ personal excellence and managerial leadership competencies when grouped according to respondents’ highest educational attainment. The study suggested that the State Universities and Colleges in Region III may design and pursue activities that can help improve the strategic thinking and innovation and managerial leadership competency aspects of principals aimed to adequately address the growing expectations and demands of the students and other stakeholders of the laboratory high schools.
Keywords: managerial competency, laboratory high school, principal,SEAMEO INNOTECH, Competency Framework