Jaine Z. Tarun (PhD)
Isabela State University – Cabagan, Isabela, Philippines
Date Received: September 2, 2016; Date Revised: October 10, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.4, 9-17
November 2016 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Language Planning and the Programs in Filipino of Higher Education Institutions 863 KB 6 downloads
Jaine Z. Tarun (PhD) Isabela State University - Cabagan, Isabela, Philippines jaine_tarun@yahoo.com Date...
This study was focused on the language planning and the programs in Filipino of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Region 02, Philippines. It aimed to evaluate the extent of contributions in the implementation of national and institutional academic language policies and programs on Filipino in the General Education Curriculum (GEC), Bilingual / Multilingual Education, translation of books and articles, instructional materials development using Filipino and other languages in the region, having published books, scholarly articles and theses in other disciplines and journals written in Filipino and the attitudes of administrators, faculty and students. This evaluative study applied both the quantitative analysis of data using the survey method and qualitative analysis using the multi-method approach or triangulation. A total of 216 respondents from other disciplines, except Filipino, randomly selected among the administrators, faculty and students were utilized. The results confirmed that the minimum required GEC courses in Filipino as stipulated in CHED Memorandum Order No. 59 s. 1996 were implemented in their curricular programs while as a medium of instruction in Humanities, Social Sciences and Communications (HUSOCOM) courses, Filipino was not used. Result substantiated that Filipino aided instruction in classroom discourses both in HUSOCOM and Non – HUSOCOM courses was commonly practiced. Result also vouched the non-existence of institutional policies and programs in Filipino. However, there were no significant differences in the positive attitudes among administrators, faculty and students of Higher Education Institutions.
Keywords: Language Policies and Programs, General Education Curriculum, Evaluation, Higher Education Institutions