Racidon P. Bernarte, Vincent Jude G. Estella,
Dominador Jr. M. Nucon, Jin Danniel O. Villatema
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
rpbernarte@pup.edu.ph, estellavincentjude@gmial.com,
domnuconjr@gmail.com, jinvillatema@gmail.com
Date Received: March 30, 2016; Date Revised: June 30, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.3, 34-41
August 2016
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Internet Pornography Consumption and Relationship Commitment of Filipino Married Individuals 911 KB 4 downloads
Racidon P. Bernarte, Vincent Jude G. Estella, Dominador Jr. M. Nucon, Jin Danniel...
Internet pornography has many adverse effects, especially to the relationship commitment. The use of pornography directly correlates to a decrease in sexual intimacy. Hence, this might lead to weakening of the relationship of their partner. To find out the relevance of the claim, the researchers aimed to explore the relationship of Internet pornography consumption to the relationship commitment of married individuals in the Philippines. Different factors such as level of satisfaction, investment, quality of alternatives, relationship stability and viewing habits were also considered in determining the relationship of watching online pornography and the relationship commitment of Filipino married individuals. The study used the descriptive-correlational design. A self-administered survey was distributed to 400.It is revealed that Internet pornography consumption has an adverse effect on the relationship commitment of married Filipino couples. Furthermore, watching porn online weakened the relationship commitment that leads to an unstable relationship. This investigation found out that internetpornography consumption has a nominal negative effect on the relationship commitment of Filipino married individuals. It is proven on this study that internet pornography consumption can weaken the relationship commitment of married individuals thus, it promotes knowledge about numerous effect of it, negatively and even positively. This paper also contributes to pornography related researches on thecountry which can give further awareness about the said area.
Keywords: Internet Pornography Consumption, Relationship Commitment, Filipino MarriedIndividuals, Polytechnic University of the Philippines