Weena Mae L. Granada
Bohol Island State University-Candijay, Philippines
Date Received: May 25, 2018; Date Revised: July 10, 2018
Instructional Competence of the College of Teacher Education (CTE) Faculty Members in one State University in the Philippines 640 KB 6 downloads
Weena Mae L. Granada Bohol Island State University-Candijay, Philippines weenamaeg@gmail.com Date...
Undeniably, teachers are the source of true and holistic education in school. Their competence in instruction is one of the major factors that impact the learning process of the students. This study aimed to determine the instructional competence of the College of Teacher Education (CTE) faculty of Bohol Island State University-Candijay in the School Year 2014-2015. Specifically, it concentrates on the following problems: teachers highest educational attainment and length in service; teachers instructional competence in four dimensions, correlation between teachers’ profile and instructional competence; difference between the perception of the teachers and students on teachers’ instructional competence; and degree of variance in the instructional competence among teachers based on the four dimensions. Based on the findings, teachers rated their instructional competence as “Outstanding” while students rated teachers’ instructional competence as “Very Satisfactory. However, in the overall, result still reveals that the instructional competence of the teachers is “Outstanding.” Furthermore, the educational attainment and length in service of the teachers found to have no correlation with their instructional competence.
Keywords – competence, instruction, teachers