Pinky Salvador, Princess Caroline Vivar, Eduardo de Vera III,
Reynaldo B. Inocian, Rufina C. Rosaroso
Political Science State Scholars, College of Arts and Sciences, Cebu
Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000
Social Sciences & Public Governance Departments, College of Arts and
Sciences, Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000,,,
Influence of Facebook to Voters’ Political Practices 864 KB 2 downloads
Pinky Salvador, Princess Caroline Vivar, Eduardo de Vera III, Reynaldo B. Inocian,...
This study described influence of Facebook to voters’ political practices and aimed to (1) identify the effects of Facebook to the voters’ decision-making and the effects of online promotions and campaign regarding their opinion about their electoral candidates; (2) examine the role of Facebook as an electoral tool; and (3) ascertain the influence of Facebook as a source of political information to voters’ behavior. The study utilized a case study design of three barangays: with two rural barangays in Cebu Province and one urban barangay in Cebu City, Philippines. Key Informants (KIs) were asked using unstructured questionnaire and interviews. Thematic analysis was used based on verbatim accounts. The vibrant influence of Facebook to voters’ political practices remained tremendous in an urban village compared to a rural village, more especially among the millennials. Facebook had an undersized connection to voters’ practices in terms of social demographics and work affiliation in government. Voters in a rural village had limited access to Facebook because of low level of education and simple way of life. Though, Facebook created voters’ personal choice of a trusted candidate during the casting of votes; but, in a rural village, voters were influenced by the radio, newspaper, television, campaign brochures, and leaflets in discerning on whom to vote.
Keywords: Facebook, Social Media, Political Participation, Voter’s Practices