Aondoaver Ucho1, Joyce Mcivir Terwase2, Anastasia Ahemen Ucho3
Department of Psychology, Benue State University, P.M.B. 102119,
Makurdi, Benue State, NIGERIA
Date Received: December 1, 2015; Date Revised: December 29, 2015
Influence of Big Five Personality Traits and Locus of Control on Road Safety Rules Compliance among Motorcycle Riders in North-Central Nigeria 409 KB 5 downloads
Aondoaver Ucho1, Joyce Mcivir Terwase2, Anastasia Ahemen Ucho3 Department of Psychology,...
The study investigated the influence of the Big Five Personality Traits and locus of control on road safety rules compliance among motorcycle riders in North-Central Nigeria. Two hundred and sixty four (232 males and 32 females) respondents were purposively sampled to participate in the study. Their ages ranged from 15 to 60 years with the mean age of 27.19 years. Cross sectional research design was employed for the study. Hierarchical regression was used to test the hypotheses. Consistent with hypothesis one, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness statistically predicted road safety rules compliance significantly (∆R2= 0.08, F(5, 181) = 3.32; P<0.01). Independently, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness did not predict road safety rules compliance significantly. Agreeableness however significantly predicted road safety rules compliance significantly (t= 2.50, P< 0.05, β= 0.30). Locus of control did not significantly predict road safety rules compliance (∆R2= 0.01, F (1, 180) = 1.44; P>0.05).These results were explained in line with the standard of living of people in Nigeria. It was recommended that frequent enlightenment programmes should be organized for Motorcycle riders to ensure road safety rules compliance.
Keywords–Locus of Control, Motorcycle Riders, Nigeria, Personality Traits, Road Safety, Rules-compliance