Michael M. Ramos
De La Salle Lipa, Batangas, Philippines
Date Received: July 15, 2014; Date Revised: November 29, 2014
In Between St. Augustine and Luther Grace and Justification 489 KB 6 downloads
Michael M. Ramos De La Salle Lipa, Batangas, Philippines mykramos1517@gmail.com Date...
The view presented in this study emphasized grace as a cause of spiritual strength and justification of man. In understanding the deep meaning and nature of grace, this paper analyzes the formations given on the subject by two great minds, St. Augustine and Martin Luther. Because of the great influence of their work on the theology of grace and justification, this paper attempts to seek whether man’s understanding and belief of prudence would mean nothing at all, that any good that he will perform on his behalf would do nothing for his own justification. Thus it raises the question on the purpose of man’s freedom if his proprium is nothing and that divine prudence is the source of everything good. This led to the idea that grace is the primary energy source of man to make good, not by his own, but by divine prudence to obtain justification. Therefore, in this sense there is nothing good in man.
Keywords: Grace, Justification, Good works, faith, and Freedom