Damar Dorah Naanman , Hulda Maxwell Davwet,
Jonah Mathias Dukut
Department of Science and Technology, Faculty of Education,
University of Jos, Nigeria
damardorah@gmail.com, davwethulda@gmail.com
Date Received: December 07, 2015; Date Revised: January 29, 2016
Impact of Iconic Models on Senior Secondary School Students' Academic Achievement in Physical Geography in Plateau State, Nigeria 461 KB 8 downloads
Damar Dorah Naanman , Hulda Maxwell Davwet, Jonah Mathias Dukut Department of Science...
The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of iconic models on senior secondary school students’ academic achievement in physical geography in Plateau State, Nigeria. Relevant literatures were reviewed on the topic. The study adopted a true experimental design. The population of the study consisted of all Senior Secondary Schools One (SSI) Students who offer geography. The samples of the study comprised of two schools and one hundred (100) geography SSI students. In line with the purpose of the study, one research question and one hypothesis were raised, answered and verified respectively. A geography achievement test was used to collect data. The test was validated and a reliability coefficient of 0.95 was obtained. The result of the test was subjected to statistical analysis using mean and t-test of independent samples. The analysis of the result of the test showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group which implies that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. Consequently the hypothesis formulated for the study was rejected. It was concluded that iconic model is one of those instructional materials when appropriately used in teaching and learning of physical geography will improve the academic achievement of the students in the subject. Finally, teachers and students should always use iconic models in teaching and learning physical geography.
Keywords: Iconic Models, Students Academic Achievement and Physical Geography