Vida Villa Antonio, Natividad Eder Lorenzo
College of Teacher Education, Mariano Marcos State University,
Laoag City, Philippines
Date Received: March 30, 2018; Date Revised: April 4, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.2, 1-15
May 2019
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
Ilocano Administrators’ Adoption and Use of ICT in the Management of Public Secondary Schools 827 KB 7 downloads
Vida Villa Antonio, Natividad Eder Lorenzo College of Teacher Education, Mariano...
This descriptive-correlational study sought to describe the ICT adoption and use of 31 Ilocano administrators, who were chosen via total enumeration, in the management of public secondary schools with fiscal autonomy in three DepEd Divisions in the Province of Ilocos Norte, Philippines, via triangulation method. Results show that the respondents have a high level of ICT knowledge readiness, an average level of ICT competence, and a very high level of social influence in using ICT. They possess positive attitudes and beliefs towards ICT use. They have a very high level of adoption and use of ICT in performing their management functions. They are very effective in terms of their management skills. Their ICT management practices include the existence of ICT leadership and ICT integration in both instructional and personnel management. Correlation tests showed that the administrators’ adoption and use of ICT is significantly related to their level of ICT knowledge readiness, level of ICT competence, level of social influence, and attitudes and beliefs towards ICT use. The respondents’ number of ICT- related trainings was the only demographic variable that significantly relates with their level of ICT knowledge readiness and ICT competence, attitudes and beliefs towards ICT use and social influence. Their management effectiveness significantly correlates to their level of adoption and use of ICT and beliefs towards ICT use. Among all the variables, the administrators’ attitude towards ICT use is the best predictor that significantly affects ICT adoption and use in school management while the administrators’ ICT adoption and use is the best predictor that significantly affects their management effectiveness.
Keywords: ICT Adoption and Use, Fiscal Autonomy, Information and Communication Technology, Management, Public Secondary Schools