John K Chang’ach & Barasa Samson Omachar
Department of Educational Foundations, School of Education,
Moi University, Kenya.,
Date Received: May 12, 2020; Date Revised: July 17, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.3, 140-146
August 2020
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
History and History of Education in Search of Disciplinary Identity in the 21st Century 817 KB 5 downloads
John K Chang’ach & Barasa Samson Omachar Department of Educational Foundations,...
In resent past there has been a raging debate on the disciplinary position and place of history of education, and its profound role in teacher education. This study aims at establishing the diminishing role and position of history of education in teacher training within the framework of the mainstream history from the perspective of interpretive traditions that have been established and carried forward over generations globally in teacher education. This paper is a product of an extensive research based on qualitative research design that basically involved oral interviews that targeted history and history of education researchers, students, scholars and lecturers as well as critical analysis of secondary sources of information. The results of the study has revealed important role played by history of education that is slowly and silently diminishing in teacher education. The study will be significant to educational historians, educational curriculum and policy planners, teacher educators and other educational stakeholders and will be used as a basis for future research and studies in history of
education and in reconstructing the disciplinary need for current and future training of prospective teachers
Keywords: Education, Discipline, History, Perception